Swetha Ganesan, Upnotch Member, is Lead Product Manager at DocuSign, a company that helps organizations connect and automate how they prepare, sign, act on and manage agreements.
She is a product leader with over 10 years of experience building large-scale, reliable and secure enterprise services and with extensive experience in delivering on new innovations, as well as bringing growth to well-established products.
With a degree in software engineering and an MBA, Swetha loves using technology to solve hard business problems.
She loves mentoring, and always learns from her mentees as much as they learn from her. She’d be a perfect mentor to someone transitioning to product or an entrepreneur looking to scale their business through technology.
Swetha is also looking for a mentor herself - someone with a VP or director level in product, or who has started their own company and could give her advice.
Download Upnotch on iPhone or Android to connect with Swetha or contact us. *All mentorships are free.*
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