Sahebe Mehmannavaz, Upnotch Member, is the Founder & CEO of DLT Valley, an education and Consultancy services platform revolutionizing ambitious individuals and business engagements in the era of new technologies such as Web3/blockchain Technology.
She holds multiple educational degrees including Global Master’s in Blockchain Technologies and BSc in Engineering. For the past 22-years, she has worked successfully as an engineer, business developer, and director. She co-founded 2-startups companies as well as held executive roles within international factories including the several oil and energy organizations across Korea, UAE, Iran, and Turkey.
Having acquired the latest trends in the business environment and enhanced her network with like-minded people, she continued her journey of learning driven by curiosity for blockchain/DLT, asset management & cryptocurrency world in 2017. To capitalize on this, she pursued a master’s degree in Blockchain technology to further deep dive to satisfy her curiosity and help people and industry to get through this technology.
She is member board of directors of GlobL Blockchain Woman Alliance ( GBWA), hub leader of Global Blockchain Initiative (GBI) Germany and advisory board member of Tokyo Blockchain Academy.
Sahebe loves mentoring and would be a fantastic mentor to any young professional, blockchain enthusiasts, or aspiring entrepreneur looking for guidance and support.
To connect with Sahebe, sign up today at www.upnotch.com/signup. All mentorships on Upnotch are free. 🧡
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