Mike Renalds, Upnotch Mentor, is a Senior Account Executive at Cloudbakers, a Google Cloud Premier Partner that has been helping organizations successfully migrate to cloud technologies for nearly a decade.
With over 20 years of enterprise experience, Mike loves sales and everything to do with it! He’s a proven leader in strategic sales & business development with specialties in: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Security, Compliance, DevOps, Private, Public & Hybrid Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, Cloud infrastructure, and Startups. He has first-rate interpersonal skills, consistently cultivating smoother-running teams and championing customer relationship management.
A passionate believer in giving back through mentoring others, he would like to connect with entrepreneurs who are seeking guidance on developing their early-stage start-up and/or go-to-market strategy. Additionally, he would welcome helping anyone with career development best practices to increase their brand & enrich LinkedIn network connections. He loves to connect great people together.
Download Upnotch on iPhone or Android to connect with Mike or contact us. *All mentorships on Upnotch are free.
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