Upnotch Mentor and Founder of Happy Healthy with Hadlee is an entrepreneur and health and wellness coach. She started her online program to help people feel better in their bodies, have more energy on a day-to-day basis, gain more confidence, cultivate better habits, and become less stressed and more joyful in their day-to-day lives.
What is your superpower & why?
My superpower is helping people discover the next version of themselves. I work to help people really figure out who it is that they want to become, and map out a really tangible, effective way to actually get there.
Have you had mentors in the past?
I've actually had a few mentors - from Upnotch! Who have all been awesome.
I've also had mentors my whole life. I had mentors when I was in High School, and going through college. The best part of having a mentor was that it made life a lot easier. When I look back at times when I didn't have mentors, life was a lot harder. Mentors have been a huge piece of my success in school and then in my business.
What topics do you like to cover with your mentors?
I have a health coaching business and I really like to talk about how to grow my business with my mentors. I like to talk about strategies and mindsets. My mentors help me see where my mindset is blocking me. I have a mentor who is another health coach. We meet weekly and we talk about everything coming up in our mindsets, in our lives, things that are affecting us in our business but also in our personal lives.
Can you describe a time when a mentor pushed you further than you thought was possible or accelerated your career?
I've had mentors who, when I was telling them that I couldn’t do something because I thought I needed more experience, would call me out and tell me, “You have the tools available to you. You have the expertise. The only thing that you need to do is to just do it.” That's been the biggest push for me.
What advice has a mentor shared with you that really stuck with you?
Some really great advice that one of my mentors gave me was, “It's not about you”. What he meant was not to take things personally. If you have an interaction with someone who is not as positive as you had hoped, do not take it personally, look at the interaction in a more neutral light instead of looking at it as positive or negative. It is how I was able to shift my mindset around. That was the most helpful thing that a mentor has helped me with.
What's the strangest, funniest, weirdest thing you've ever asked your mentor?
Well, I'm a health coach and one of my mentors is also a health coach. We talked about poop. I have asked my mentor about constipation remedies in the past. That's definitely weird!
What would you tell your mentor if they were listening to you right now?
I would like to tell my mentors thank you so much for everything that you have done for me, for all of the chats, all of the advice, all of the tips and tricks. Mostly thank you for being present for me and helping me through the different challenges that I've experienced. And thank you for becoming my friends.
What makes a great mentee in your opinion?
Someone who is really open-minded and willing to ask really good questions. That's something that I've actually had to learn.
The secret is to ask really specific questions to your mentors, your teachers, your peers, anyone that you want to learn from. I used to think that I would sound dumb or would sound like I didn't know what I was talking about but really the opposite is true.
Why do you mentor?
I mentor so that I can pay it forward. I find it really fulfilling to provide anything that I can to my mentees, anything that might be helpful. I know that for me, having a mentor has been one of the most helpful things in the success of my business, as well as other successes in my life. I want to be able to be that for someone else.
What topics do you like to mentor on?
I really like to mentor on health and wellness, as I'm a health coach. I also like to mentor on lifestyle and business. I travel a lot and I kind of live all over the place. I love mentoring people who want to create that freedom for themselves as well.
What kind of praise do you think your mentees might give you?
I think they would say that I am good at being present for them. I feel like I am good at listening to what they have to say. I often ask them questions, rather than telling them what to do, and help them come to that conclusion themselves.
Tell us about a time when you helped a mentee solve a big challenge.
Most of the time people ask me about procrastination or time management; time management is a huge thing, especially in business. Usually, the problem is our relationship with time. The big thing that comes up is that we don't feel we have enough time, and that makes us rush and hurry, which actually ends up with us feeling like we're not in control of our time. That's a big thing that I help a lot of my mentees work through.
What does success mean to you?
I'm so glad you asked that because success is different for everyone. and i’s important that we actually identify what success means for us.
Success can mean having money or having a house, a family, a dog; whatever society is telling us that we need in order to have success. That is awesome if you want all of those things, and that is your definition of success.
My definition of success is growing my business year after year. I have some specific financial goals of course but I also include in my success my own definition. Being able to live in the places that I want to live, being able to have the freedom to travel anywhere I want in the world. Success for me includes my relationships. Spending time with my family, being fully present for them is a big piece of how I define success.
What advice do you have on success?
My biggest advice is to define what success means for you. Get a pen and paper and write down all of the things that you want in your life. Look at that list and ask yourself, “Is this what I actually want? Or is it what other people have told me that I'm supposed to want?” and circle those things that you truly desire. That'll be your definition of success.
When did you know you achieved your success?
Honestly, it's kind of been a journey. There was never a point where I was like, “Alright, I finally made it”. I guess there was the point where I was like “Alright, I can actually do this”.
I work with a lot of young people who are transitioning from school into their careers. I talked to a lot of people about how different work-life is from school. In school, we have deadlines and grades, very specific things that tell us: This is success, this is not success. In the working world, the lines are a little bit more blurry.
Have you ever had a failure or breakdown that has led to a breakthrough or success?
In undergrad, I failed a class. I had only ever gotten A's and B's before. I failed organic chemistry. I was absolutely devastated but it was a huge turning point for me in my career trajectory. I thought I wanted to go to Med School and become a doctor and I realized that it was actually not something that I wanted to do at all. It was something that was just an expectation that was put on me by family, society, teachers, different people who saw the potential for me to be a doctor.
It was a really big reflection point for me. I realized I wanted to help people, and I wanted to help people in their health and wellness. Being a doctor was not my calling. Failing that class turned out to be my breakthrough.
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