Robert Braathe, Upnotch Member, is the Founder of Braathe Enterprises.
With a passion for solving career problems, Robert specializes in improving resumes, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters, and networking and interviewing skills. As an online professor, he enjoys teaching through Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate, and other synchronous and asynchronous methods. He excels in designing and delivering top-notch college and business classes and workshops, and he has taught a wide range of courses, including Business Communications, Small Business Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Project Management.
Robert would be an exceptional mentor to anyone looking to build their resume, navigate hiring processes, enhance their business marketing strategies, or seek guidance as a founder.
To connect with Robert, check out his profile
https://shortlink.upnotch.com/c6L5nlwnrRb. All mentorships on Upnotch are free.🧡
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