John Van Dyke, Upnotch Mentor, is a designer and explorer.
John headed a design and digital media company based in Seattle for 20 years. His work for a diversified range of clients is widely recognized as groundbreaking and he frequently lectured on the subject of design and photography in addition to teaching senior-level design at the University of Washington School of Art.
John has a very creative and curious mind and is always interested in the possibilities. He sees problems as design opportunities. His travel, photography, and film work are windows to his understanding of a constantly changing world.
A true believer in mentoring, John loves helping others. He’d be an amazing mentor to anyone interested in design. He’s very interested in technology, AI and cryptocurrencies, and would love to have conversations about those topics.
Download Upnotch on iPhone or Android to connect with John or contact us. *All mentorships are free.*
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