Hanna Herrin, Upnotch Member, is the Communication and Marketing Manager at Nautilus Inc., a connected fitness company.
She is a seasoned communicator and public relations strategist, with a passion for storytelling.
Hanna has spent the last 7 years in the communications industry, helping brands build and maintain a stellar online presence, connect with their audiences, and drive business growth. Her experience ranges from traditional media relations to digital/social campaigns and influencer integrations.
It is the conversations she’s had with her mentors that guided her career and set her on the path of PR - a path that fits her personality and interests perfectly.
She’s an enthusiastic advocate of mentorship and is passionate about giving back by mentoring others. Hanna would be an excellent mentor to young professionals in PR and marketing or someone looking to transition into a communications career.
She is also looking for a mentor herself - someone who has been in the communication field for many years and could offer her guidance and support as she continues to grow her career.
Download Upnotch on iPhone or Android to connect with Hanna or contact us. *All mentorships are free.*
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