Arthur Bailey, Upnotch Mentor, is the Sr. Director of Communications at CompuCom. With 20+ years of experience in Public Relations, Analyst Relations, Digital Marketing, Public Policy Development, and Executive Communication, Arthur is the exemplar of great analyst relations.
An expert at managing corporate reputations through marketing campaigns that reflect corporate values and market objectives. Arthur understands the importance of building long-term relationships based on respect and trust and is very well-respected among his peers and key analysts.
With a lifetime passion for mentoring, Arthur served for over 8 years on the board of Dream Jamaica student academy to help disadvantaged youths achieve their educational and career goals.
An outstanding mentor not just because of his communications and marketing expertise but also his altruistic sympathy, he can help any entrepreneur or executive interested in developing go-to-market strategies, lead generation, and creating a customer reference program.
Arthur would also like to connect with a mentor himself - someone who’s an expert at VP/C-level positions package negotiation and strategy.
Download Upnotch on iPhone or Android to connect with Arthur or contact us. *All mentorships are free.*
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